- the mmg2d application and the libmmg2d library: adaptation and optimization of a two-dimensional triangulation and generation of a triangulation from a set of points or from given boundary edges
- the mmgs application and the libmmgs library: adaptation and optimization of a surface triangulation and isovalue discretization
- the mmg3d application and the libmmg3d library: adaptation and optimization of a tetrahedral mesh and implicit domain meshing
- the libmmg library gathering the libmmg2d, libmmgs and libmmg3d libraries
Because we believe that working together is the better way to improve, our applications are and will remain open-source (LGPL).
Discover the Mmg Platform (please, be patient, it may take a while).
3rd Mmg day the 13th of December 2018 – Save the date!
The third Mmg day will be held within the FreeFem++ days, in Paris (Corridor 13-14, Room 101, UPMC), in the afternoon of 13 December. Discover the program of the presentations. (Please, note that the day is free of charge but the subscription is mandatory.)
Discover the Mmg remeshing tools at Paris Open Source Summit (December, the 6th)
If you are interested in trying the Mmg platform, you can subscribe to the Inria workshop (the 6th, from 12.30 to 1.30pm). You can also meet us at the Inria stand. Hoping to see many of you!
Mmg day 2018: call for proposals
The third Mmg day will be held within the FreeFem++ days, in Paris (UPMC), in the afternoon of 13 December. The registration to this event is free but mandatory: https://www.mmgtools.org/mmg-simplicial-remesher/mmg-day-2018-subscription-form. If you are interested to share your Mmg experience and to present your work, you can submit your abstract (before November, the…
B-Boost convention : Discover the history of the Mmg open source consortium
Meet us at the B-Boost convention and discover : the Inria actions to support free and open source software (3.30pm – 4.30pm); the creation and the business model of the Mmg open source consortium and the transfer initiative of the Eigen library (4.30pm – 5.30pm). All this events will be held…
They sponsor us
They Use us

Recent research projects
- ANR project Shapo (ANR-18-CE40-0013 SHAPO)
- European project MICROCARD
This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EuroHPC (JU) under grant agreement No 955495. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, Switzerland.
EuroHPC projects are for one half funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, and for the other half by the national funding agencies of the project partners. - IRS project CAOS (Université Grenoble-Alpes)