Understand Mmg histograms
In the following section we will describe the histograms printed by Mmg.
The verbosity level (-v command line argument) will determin input and output informations :
- at level 1 (-v 1) : main informations on input and output mesh qualities are printed -> minimal, maximal and mean element quality + index of the lowest quality element
- level 2 (-v 2) : adds main informations on input edge lengths are printed -> smallest, average and largest edge length + indices of extremities of the smallest and largest edges
- level 3 : adds statistic info on input edge length
- level 4 : adds detailed histograms for input and output mesh quality and input edge lengths
- level 5 : adds detailed histograms for output edge lengths
Element quality histogram
In the following, we note the element dimension (
for a triangle,
for a tetra),
edges of an element
their lengths,
the mean metric over this element and
the volume of the element in this mean metric. The element quality is computed such as:
a normalization coefficient such as an equilateral element has quality 1 in an isotropic metric.
— MESH QUALITY 11726 ←the mesh has 11726 elements (tetrahedra in 3D / triangles for surface meshes)
BEST 1.000000 AVRG. 0.777858 WRST. 0.372378 (6029) ←best elt quality is 1, average qual is 0.778, element of index 6029 is the worst and has a quality of 0.37
HISTOGRAMM: 100.00 % > 0.12 ← 100% of the elements have a quality better than 0.12
99.47 % > 0.5 ← 99% of the elements have a quality better than 0.5
0.8 < Q < 1.0 5340 45.54 % ← 5340 elements i.e. 45.54% of the elements have a quality between 0.8 and 1
0.6 < Q < 0.8 5701 48.62 % ← …
0.4 < Q < 0.6 681 5.81 %
0.2 < Q < 0.4 4 0.03 %
Edge length histogram
— RESULTING EDGE LENGTHS 674 ← the mesh has 674 edges (internal and boundary ones)
AVERAGE LENGTH 3.0455 ← the average edge length is 3.045
SMALLEST EDGE LENGTH 2.0000 88 108 ← the smallest edge is of length 2 and has vertices 88 and 108
LARGEST EDGE LENGTH 10.1980 16 131 ← the largest edge is of length 10.198 and has vertices 16 and 131
1.41 < L < 2.00 120 17.80 % ← 120 edges (17.8%) have lengths between 1.41 and 2.00
2.00 < L < 5.00 485 71.96 %
5. < L 69 10.24 %
Note that we print the edge length computed in the input metric so we always target edges of size 1.