The hotfix 5.2.6 is available
It patches an error in the MMG2D_Get_triFromEdge API function.
It patches an error in the MMG2D_Get_triFromEdge API function.
A new hotfix is available: it corrects a bug in the metric definition in -optim mode (without -hmin and -hmax specification) it adds some very fast tests for continuous integration
It renames the quad field of the mesh structure to avoid compilation errors under cygwin (windows).
A new hotfix is available: it removes a livelock during the scotch renumbering.
This hotfix: Adds windows portability Fix errors due to machine accuracy in anisotropic metric intersections (leading to process failure) Adds compatibility with old scotch releases Adds jenkinsfile for pipeline builds in a Docker container (thanks to D. Sherman pull request)
It fixes a regression in computational time.
It removes an unused parameter from the mmg APIs (MMG*_DPARAM_ls).
This hotfix fix : a bug in the 0 verbosity of mmg3d: the tetra qualities were not computed leading to an invalid output mesh a bug in the surface edge tags updating. It adds library examples for mmgs and mmg2d.
After 3 months of stabilization, the release 5.1.0 is available. It adds: the mmg2d application and library (for bidimensional mesh generation and isotropic/anisotropic mesh adaptation); the anisotropic mesh adaptation for mmg3d and mmgs; the mmgs library (API + mmgslib function); the mmg3dls library function corresponding to the -ls option of…
The v5.1.0-beta5 hotfix patches: a bug in the edge searching process in mmg2d; a bug in the quality computation of the worst element in mmg2d; a bug in MMGS_Set_meshSize function (thank to updega2 that correct this error); an error in the reading of the normals an ridges in mmgs (for…