After 3 months of stabilization, the release 5.1.0 is available.
It adds:
- the mmg2d application and library (for bidimensional mesh generation and isotropic/anisotropic mesh adaptation);
- the anisotropic mesh adaptation for mmg3d and mmgs;
- the mmgs library (API + mmgslib function);
- the mmg3dls library function corresponding to the -ls option of mmg3d (allow to discretize an implicit surface);
- manpages for the mmg2d, mmgs and mmg3d application (available in the doc/man directory);
It modifies the mmg3d library API:
- the API functions are now prefixed by MMG3D instead of MMG5;
- the ‘MMG3D_Init_mesh’ and ‘MMG3D_Free_all’ functions takes now a variable number of arguments. Please, refers to the documentation to see how to call it;
- the ‘MMG5_loadMesh/saveMesh’ functions are replaced by the ‘MMG3D_loadMesh/saveMesh’ ones that takes an additional parameter: the input our output name of the mesh file;
- the ‘MMG5_loadMet/saveMet’ functions are replaced by the ‘MMG3D_loadSol/saveSol’ ones that takes an additional parameter: the metric file name.
It modifies the 0 verbosity that don’t print anything now.
It modifies the treatment of the input boundaries in mmg3d:
- if no triangles are provided, the boundary triangles are created with the reference of the associated tetrahedron (if the triangle is at the interface of 2 domains with different references, we take the minimum of the 2 refs);
- if some boundary triangles are provided twice, they are deleted;
- if some boundary triangles are missing, they are created with the reference of the associated tetrahedron (and the provided triangles are preserved);
- if triangles at the interface of 2 domains with same reference are provided they are deleted.